Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Todos los lugares de la Amazonía que están amenazados Otra
The corporate undead. What to do about zombie firms The Economist
Muchos ríos, demasiadas represas Otra
Cloud computing. Davy Jones's data-centre The Economist
Steam engine in the cloud. How Snowflake raised $3bn in a record software IPO The Economist
Climate disruption is now locked in. The next moves will be crucial Otra
U.S. Commandos Use Secretive Missiles to Kill Qaeda Leaders in Syria Otra
Incendios alrededor del mundo: no solo arde el oeste de Estados Unidos Otra
Digital dominance. A new global ranking of cyber-power throws up some surprises The Economist
How Oregonians Survived the Fires Otra
La degradación ha causado más daño que la deforestación en la Amazonía, según estudio Otra
Quantum computing. What quantum computers reveal about innovation The Economist
A greener horizon. China aims to cut its net carbon-dioxide emissions to zero by 2060 The Economist
El movimiento conspirativo QAnon se extiende en Europa Otra
Brain-computer interfaces. Elon Musk's vision of the future takes another step forward? The Economist
Incendios forestales: el eterno problema de Portugal Otra
U.S. Flood Strategy Shifts to ‘Unavoidable’ Relocation of Entire Neighborhoods Otra
The trouble with TINA. America's stockmarkets are flying high. Its companies still aren't The Economist
The complete mercenary. How Erik Prince used Trump's rise to make an unlikely comeback Otra
Banks Suspected Illegal Activity, but Processed Big Transactions Anyway Otra
