Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
The president and corporations. How Donald Trump is changing the rules for American business. The president-elect has a new approach to dealing with corporate America. It is not all good news The Economist
Machines learning. Siemens and General Electric gear up for the internet of things. The American industrial giant is sprinting towards its goal. The German firm is taking a more deliberate approach The Economist
Heading for the twilight. When oil is no longer in demand. A glimpse of a post-oil era The Economist
Breaking the habit. The future of oil. The world’s use of oil is approaching a tipping-point, writes Henry Tricks. But don’t expect it to end imminently The Economist
La especificidad de la etapa actual del capitalismo Libro electrónico
Out of the doghouse. The sharing economy’s latest trick is home-sharing for pooches. Companies such as Rover and DogVacay are disrupting the kennel business The Economist
A long way from home. Airbnb belatedly knocks on the door in China. Will the American firm do better in China than Uber? The Economist
Trump’s world. The new nationalism. With his call to put 'America First', Donald Trump is the latest recruit to a dangerous nationalism The Economist
The great divergence. A group of elite firms has established a sustained lead. This is not a good thing The Economist
BAE Systems. Fighting fit. Geopolitical tensions bode well for the defence firm’s profits under a new boss The Economist
Norway’s global fund. How to not spend it. It is tough for a small democracy to run the world’s biggest sovereign-wealth fund The Economist
Stealth socialism. Passive investment funds create headaches for antitrust authorities The Economist
The burning question. Climate change in the era of Trump. With or without America, self-interest will sustain the fight against global warming The Economist
China and Russia. Happenstance and enemy action. Western intelligence agencies are turning to the old rivalry with Russia and the new one with China The Economist
Agroindustrie. Pourquoi des entreprises chinoises accaparent-elles des terres céréalières en France ? Otra
American business. Meet the new boss. Businesses may come to love or to fear Donald Trump. Either way, they will have to make a deal The Economist
Technology. Tinker, tailor, hacker, spy. Who is benefiting more from the cyberisation of intelligence, the spooks or their foes? The Economist
Espionage. Shaken and stirred. Intelligence services on both sides of the Atlantic have struggled to come to terms with new technology and a new mission. They are not done yet, writes Edward Carr The Economist
Misbehaving bankers (1). Accounts receivable. At an American bank, staff found dodgy ways to meet targets set by higher-ups The Economist
Risky business. Managers need to watch political risk in developed markets as well as emerging ones The Economist
