Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
The Godfather of Climate Science Turns Up the Heat Otra
The exodus economy. Latin America's most powerful new gang built a human-trafficking empire The Economist
How ‘A.I. Agents’ That Roam the Internet Could One Day Replace Workers Otra
Revealed: World’s CO2 emissions set to rise by about 1 per cent to new record in 2023 Otra
The geopolitics of infrastructure: mapping imprints of empire Libro
In a U.S. First, a Commercial Plant Starts Pulling Carbon From the Air Otra
A debate, eficiencia de los bonos de plástico para combatir la polución Otra
Cómo construir una ciudad resistente al calor Otra
Two Studies on Greenland Reveal Ominous Signs for Sea Level Rise Otra
Confessions of a McKinsey Whistleblower Otra
Fuerzas Armadas en aduanas, trampa para la transparencia y puerta para la corrupción en México Otra
Young guns. Meet the world's new arms dealers The Economist
Introducción. Militarización y violencia: el costo de la transición democrática Libro
Weapons of woe. From hypersonic missiles to undersea drones, the PLA is making leaps The Economist
Surveillance capitalism. Silicon Valley is piling into the business of snooping The Economist
Antartic sets a record low maximum by wide margin Otra
Is green growth happening? An empirical analysis of achieved versus Paris-compliant CO2–GDP decoupling in high-income countries Artículo científico
The Great Disruption Has Begun Otra
China Is Winning in Solar Power, but Its Coal Use Is Raising Alarms Otra
We Are Witnessing the First Stages of Civilization's Collapse Otra
